Initiatives to Contribute to Achieving SDGs

Obayashi Group aims to realize sustainability of "the Planet, Society, and People," and will steadily contribute to achieving SDGs by promoting ESG management.

Please click SDGs icons, to view examples of Obayashi Group's initiatives in response to each goal.

What are the SDGs?

The Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs),are also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nation in September 2015 as a universal call to action achieved by 2030.

SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 specific targets for those goals.

SDGs Indicators (the United Nations HP)

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End poverty in all its forms everywhere

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

We will contribute to the eradication of poverty through infrastructure development and social contribution activities.

The Obayashi Foundation presents awards to persons who make outstanding contributions to solving urban problems and runs a support program for urban studies and the like. In addition, the foundation provides scholarships to students studying to become urban planning professionals or researchers.

In this program, we donate the same amount as each employee donates. We have invited our officers and employees to participate in it. We give donations to the four main priorities of our social contribution: to provide support for disasters, to be environmentally responsible, to be a good citizen in local communities and to inspire the next generation.



End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

We are developing technologies that can give stable supply of safe and nutritious agricultural and fishery products responding to the climate changes, etc.

Launching Agribusiness (Management of Plant Factories)

We are developing technology that can produce "tasty", "safe", and "high-functional" farm products by artificially controlling the environments necessary for plants' growth, in order to promote sustainable food production.

Initiatives for Green Infrastructures

We are protecting and nurturing fishery products through green infrastructures, for example, by constructing the rearing places for Manila (Asari) clams at coastal areas, and cleaning seawater through abalone (farming) ecosystem in their rearing.



Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all age

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

We are ensuring that people involved in our businesses live healthily, and fostering a society where everyone can access appropriate medical cares.

We are working to maintain and improve our employees' health through enhancing of various initiatives to enable them to be mentally and physically fit and lead fulfilling lives. Those initiatives include various types of health checks, stress checks, and clinical psychologists' counseling.

We are helping each employee achieve work-life balance so that they can work in physically and mentally healthy and energetical way, and we are implementing various initiatives, such as reduction of overall work time through work style reform, improvement of several types of human resource system and environments.

Construction of Advanced Medical and Welfare Facilities

Through thinking of fundamentals for sustainable medical and welfare facilities, we are providing total supports including business planning, design, construction, opening supports, and operation supports, by utilizing our know-how as construction company.

Initiatives for Green Infrastructures

We are contributing to purification of air and water and remediation of soils, through our initiatives in green infrastructures.

In this program, we donate the same amount as each employee donates. We have invited our officers and employees to participate in it. We give donations to the four main priorities of our social contribution: to provide support for disasters, to be environmentally responsible, to be a good citizen in local communities and to inspire the next generation.



Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

We are supporting creation of broader educational opportunities, and conducting educations for inheriting the technologies and experiences that we acquired so far.

Based on the idea that human resources are one of our most important management resources, we are conducting various trainings in order to inherit "attitude of honest craftsmanship" and "technological capabilities" that we acquired since our establishment.

For the purpose of developing skilled construction business workers for the future, we are conducting various programs such as tours and seminars, in order to convey kids and students how fascinating the construction industry is.

  • Securing and Developing Skilled Construction Business Workers

    We have established the Vocational Training School* in 2014, in order to develop skilled construction business workers, and inherit the technologies. Our employees and our suppliers' employees are lecturing there.

    * Regional Organization for Vocational Training, utilizing the system of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The Obayashi Rin-yu-kai Vocational Training School has been certified by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

The Obayashi Foundation presents awards to persons who make outstanding contributions to solving urban problems and runs a support program for urban studies and the like. In addition, the foundation provides scholarships to students studying to become urban planning professionals or researchers.

In this program, we donate the same amount as each employee donates. We have invited our officers and employees to participate in it. We give donations to the four main priorities of our social contribution: to provide support for disasters, to be environmentally responsible, to be a good citizen in local communities and to inspire the next generation.



Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

Based on the idea that human resources are one of most important management resources, we are promoting opportunities for female employees, in that, among others, we have been hiring and assigning employees earlier on individual skills and knowledge.

Under the Human Rights Policy, and as part of our efforts to meet our responsibilities of respecting human rights towards everyone, we are developing guidelines, establishing consultation desks, raising awareness of our employees, etc. for prevention of sexual harassment, etc.

Aiming to further enhance and invigorate our human resource capabilities and organizational capabilities, we have established numerical targets based on Japan's Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, in order to promote further opportunities for female employees.



Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

By developing water purification technologies for ocean and rivers, and striving to realize a society that is recycling-oriented and respects the natural world, we are contributing to securing safe water resources.

Initiatives for Green Infrastructures

Though our initiatives with green infrastructures, including construction of dams that can prevent natural disaster while restoring ecosystems such as rivers, we are contributing to ecosystem protection and water purification.

Dam Construction

By constructing and reinforcing the dams, we are contributing to provision of safe water necessary for our life.

By monitoring water consumption volume at each construction site, we are working with our supply chains to reduce the consumption volume.



Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

Aiming to realize the decarbonized society by 2050, we are engaged in the renewable energy business, by utilizing our technological capabilities and expertise.

We are promoting the renewable energy business in response to the needs for realizing the carbon neutrality.

We are not only reducing CO2 emitted through our business activities by introducing renewable energy and promoting energy saving, but also actively striving to reduce CO2 emitted though operation of the building delivered to our clients, by promoting ZEB (Zero-Energy Building).

Main Initiatives

  • Techno-station, Obayashi's main technical research institute

    It has obtained ZEB certifications for seven consecutive years since 2014.

  • "Port Plus®", Japan's first fully-wooden and fire-resistant high-rise structure

    It has obtained ZEB Ready certification.


     It has obtained ZEB Ready certification.

  • Obayashi's Head office building (in Shinagawa)

    It uses electricity wholly (100%) procured from renewable energy.

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We are issuing bonds (ESG bonds) to finance solution of environmental issues, and applying those funds to construction projects (such as renewable energy power stations, and green buildings), and development of next-generation energy technologies.



Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

Aiming to realize well-being, we are helping the people involved in our business to achieve decent work and work-life-balance.

We are helping each employee achieve work-life balance so that they can work in physically and mentally healthy and energetical way, and we are implementing various initiatives, such as reduction of overall work time through work style reform, improvement of several types of human resource system and environments.

Aiming to realize well-being for both our employees and the collaborating skilled construction business workers, we strive to develop human resources.

We recognize our employees' freedom of association and rights to collective bargaining, and have established the work conditions in compliance with various relevant laws and regulations. We periodically hold labor-management meetings (such as Labor-Management Council and health committee) to discuss broader issues, such as more comfortable workplaces (shorter working hours, better working systems, childcare /home nursing care supports), benefits system, health and safety, and better health management.

Aiming to realize well-being, we strive to create workplaces that can give opportunities for diverse human resources.



Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

In order to construct secure and safe infrastructure in response to broader society's needs, we strive to innovate technologies as the leading company.

Innovating Technologies

In response to increasingly diversified and advanced needs from our customers and the societies, we strive to innovate construction technologies in broader areas.

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Reduce inequality within and among countries

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

We are promoting diversity and inclusion, to ensure respect for human rights across all of our supply chains.

To "value every one of our associates", we strive to ensure respect for human rights, in accordance with international norms on human rights, such as "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights".

Aiming to realize well-being, we strive to create workplaces that can give opportunities for diverse human resources.



Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

Using our wide experiences, as well as our advanced technologies (such as ICT/AI and robotics), we are contributing to development of secure, safe and sustainable communities so that the Earth and we can coexist.

Reinforcing Infrastructures, and Extending their Life

To develop the infrastructures for social and economic activities to provide secure and safe living, we strive to reinforce, and extend the life of, various building and structures.

Developing Technologies that Can Achieve High-Level Disaster Prevention Functions

By embodying technologies that make the society more convenient and richer, prevent our life from disasters, and enable the society and the Earth to coexist, we are contributing to societies.

Providing Rich Natural Environments

Towards the resilient and sustainable futures, we are developing various technologies, and providing solutions.

Main Initiatives

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Initiatives against Disasters

We remain committed to "early recovery of social infrastructures, etc. on disasters", which is the construction company's important mission. Also, we are maintaining and repairing the historical and cultural structures to leave them for future generations.

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Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

We strive to spread and expand sustainable buildings through their lifecycles, and to extend the life of infrastructures.

Promoting Wooden Structures and Interiors

With our vision of "With trees, to the future" to create the rich recycling-oriented society around trees, we are promoting wooden structures, to stimulate sound recycling of forest resources, by "consuming, planting, and growing."

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We are developing and actually applying low carbon materials, in collaboration with our supply chains, etc.

We are promoting procurement of materials with less environmental impacts.

Initiatives on Construction Wastes

Implementing "Zero-Emission Construction Site Activities" to reduce waste creations and make final disposal waste closer to zero, we are promoting resource saving in construction industry through recycling and reduction of wastes.



Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

Through various initiatives for decarbonization, and preparations against natural disasters (such as disaster prevention and mitigation), we are contributing to resolution of challenges due to climate change.

We are conducting scenario analysis based on TCFD Recommendation, and identifying business risks and opportunities associated with climate change, and are establishing indicators and targets against the CO2 emission reduction by 2050.

We are promoting the renewable energy business in response to the needs for realizing the carbon neutrality.

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Promoting Carbon Neutrality

In response to diverse needs for realizing carbon neutrality, we are providing comprehensive and effective solutions to reduce CO2, based upon our abundant expertise.

Main Initiatives

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Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

We strive to reserve ocean and coast ecosystems, and to promote sustainable use of oceans, and are contributing to preservation of ocean and ocean resources.

We are implementing business activities taking into consideration resource recycling, and securing of safe land and water.

Initiatives for Green Infrastructures

With green infrastructures, including construction of dams that can restore ecosystems such as rivers, and construction of the rearing places for Manila (Asari) clams at coastal areas, we stive to protect ecosystems and purify water with ecosystems.



Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

Aiming to realize a society that is recycling-oriented and respects the natural world, we are contributing to preservation of natural environments and biodiversity, through our business activities.

We have established our Policy on Biodiversity, and are promoting our initiatives for contributing to preservation of biodiversity and sustainable utilization of biological resources, through our business activities.

Initiatives for Green Infrastructures

By restoring the nature with biotopes, and greening the slopes of strongly acid soils, we are protecting terrestrial ecosystems through green infrastructure.

Promoting Wooden Structures and Interiors

With our vision of "With trees, to the future" to create the rich recycling-oriented society around trees, we are promoting wooden structures, to stimulate sound recycling of forest resources, by "consuming, planting, and growing."

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Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

With compliance at highest priority, we are preventing infringement of human rights, violation of laws and regulations, and every corruption or bribery, and carrying out our business activities in a transparent and fair way.

In order to implement sensible course of action with high ethical standards, we are developing various measures under our Corporate Ethics Program.

To "value every one of our associates", we strive to ensure respect for human rights, in accordance with international norms on human rights, such as "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights".



Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

■ Obayashi Group Initiatives

By cooperating with companies and organizations in different fields with advanced technologies, and strengthening the relationship with our supply chains, we are building our sustainable supply chains.

By promoting CSR procurements, and supporting educations for our suppliers, we are actively conducting fair trading and building stronger mutual trust with our suppliers.


  • Obayashi SVVL (Silicon Valley Ventures & Laboratory)


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Initiatives against Disasters

We remain committed to work with our supplier (such as by sharing BCPs) to implement "early recovery of social infrastructures, etc. on disasters", which is the construction company's important mission.

We uphold the Ten Principles of United Nations Global Compact composed of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, and are engaged in activities as a good member of the society to build a healthy global society.
