We will show our ESG data and KPIs.



CO2 Emissions(Consolidated)(Scope1+2(*1))

Unit FY2014.3
(Base year)
FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Total amount of emissions 1,000t-CO2 362 300 316 289 288 256
Obayashi 236 198 218 193 195 171
Group companies (*2) 126 102 98 96 93 85
  • *1 Scopes are categories of GHG emissions prescribed by the GHG Protocol.(The GHG Protocol was developed as an international standard for calculating and reporting GHG emissions)
     Scope 1:Direct emissions from business activities
     Scope 2:Indirect associated with the use of energy (electric power, heat, etc.) in business activities
     Scope 3:Other indirect emissions caused by supplier activities, product use, etc.
  • *2 Please refer to "Applicable Group Companies"

CO2 Emissions at Construction Sites(Non-consolidated)

Unit FY2014.3
(Base year)
FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
CO2 Emissions at Construction Sites
Total amount of CO2 emissions 1,000t-CO2 229 190 211 186 188 164
Amount of emissions per completed work t-CO2/ billions of yen 210 150 170 140 140 140
CO2 emissions reduction rate(vs. FY2014.3) % - 16.8 8.0 18.8 17.9 28.3
Composition of CO2 Emissions Sources at Construction Sites
Electric Power % 29.1 28.4 31.5 28.9 30.8
Diesel fuel 69.6 70.6 66.9 69.8 66.3
Material/ waste transport 21.3 24.7 25.1 28.9 22.1
Drilling machinery 25.5 23.5 18.5 17.7 18.2
Other construction machinery 22.8 22.4 23.3 23.6 26.0
Kerosene 1.3 1.0 1.6 1.3 2.9
KPI Direct contribution(*3) of CO2 emissions reduction rate(vs. FY2014.3) % - 31 36 47 55 67
  • *3 Direct contribution = A + B - C
    A Use of fuel at construction sites and offices, and purchases of electric power (Scope 1 + Scope 2)
    B Construction/waste material transportation and employee/worker commuting (Categories 4, 7, and 9 of Scope 3)
    C Emissions volume corresponding to amount of electricity generated by renewable energy business

CO2 Emissions Reduction of Designed & Constructed Buildings

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Number of designed buildings cases 57 42 35 41 57
Total area of designed buildings 1,000m² 1,431 833 735 1,722 1,457
Amount of CO2 emissions reduced 1,000t-CO2/year 27 17 10 31 33
CO2 emissions reduction rate(*4) % 22.9 25.8 19.8 34.0 23.2
KPI Indirect contribution(*5) of CO2 emissions reduction rate(vs. FY2014.3) % 13 16 19 21 21
  • *4 Average CO2 emissions reduction rate calculated by Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE)
  • *5 Indirect contribution = a + b - c
    a Annual emissions during use of buildings designed and constructed by Obayashi Corporation, assuming they are offered for use for 35 years after completion
    b Production of construction materials (Category 1 of Scope 3)
    c Reduction resulting from adoption of energy-conserving renovation or low-carbon materials

CO2 Emissions at Offices(*6), etc.(Non-consolidated)

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
CO2 emissions 1,000t-CO2 7.5 6.8 6.3 7.3 6.6
Electric power consumption kWh/person 1,328 1,220 1,250 1,322 1,098
  • *6 Applicable facilities in this ESG DATA BOOK:Head Office, Main Offices, other branch offices, robotics centers, material/equipment centers, and Technical Research Institute

Resource Circulation

Tap Water Consumption Reduction

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Construction sites m³/billions of yen 2,590 2,340 2,640 2,330 2,420
Civil engineering m³/billions of yen 1,800 1,450 2,050 1,320 1,720
Building construction m³/billions of yen 790 890 590 1,010 700
Office m³/person 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.2 2.7

Paper Consumption Reduction(Consolidated)

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Total amount of paper consumption t 326 321 310 341 232
Obayashi 265 258 251 281 177
Group companies 61 63 59 60 55

Paper Consumption Reduction at Offices(Non-consolidated)

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Total amount of paper consumption kg/person 47 46 45 51 30
Recycled paper 44 43 42 47 26
Others 3 3 3 4 4
Recycled paper consumption rate % 93.6 93.5 93.3 92.2 86.7

Waste Emissions(Consolidated)

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Total amount of waste emissions 1,000t 2,870 2,550 2,290 2,160 2,211
Obayashi 2,560 2,360 2,050 1,870 1,930
Group companies 310 190 240 290 281

Construction Waste Emissions(Non-consolidated)

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Amount of Construction Waste Emission, Final Disposal and Recycling Rate (Excluding construction sludge)
Construction waste emissions 1,000t 1,563 1,342 1,301 1,021 1,152
New building construction 175 181 176 241 180
Demolition 1,388 1,161 1,125 780 972
Final disposal 1,000t 43 46 46 41 31
Recycled amount 1,000t 1,520 1,296 1,255 980 1,120
Recycling rate % 97.2 96.6 96.5 96.0 97.2
Breakdown of Waste Emissions by Type
Construction waste emissions 1,000t 1,563 1,342 1,301 1,021 1,152
Concrete debris 1,120 950 971 697 807
Asphalt and concrete debris 152 159 131 123 122
Wood scraps 49 45 37 28 41
Other sorted waste 206 150 117 128 152
Mixed waste 36 38 45 45 29
KPI Emissions of construction waste material per unit value of completed construction work (excluding construction sludge) t/billions of yen 142 147 131 178 127

Construction Waste and Construction Sludge Disposal / Recycling Ratio by Type

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Concrete debris Final disposal % 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.0
Reduction 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1
Recycle and reuse 99.9 99.4 99.9 99.8 99.9
Asphalt and Concrete debris Final disposal % 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2
Reduction 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Recycle and reuse 99.9 99.9 99.8 99.8 99.8
Wood scraps Final disposal % 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3
Reduction 1.9 1.8 1.6 2.7 2.2
Recycle and reuse 97.8 97.7 97.8 96.7 97.5
Other sorted waste Final disposal % 16.1 21.0 23.1 22.7 15.8
Reduction 0.8 1.4 2.7 0.8 0.7
Recycle and reuse 83.1 77.6 74.2 76.5 83.5
Mixed waste Final disposal % 24.6 25.0 39.0 32.7 21.2
Reduction 5.4 6.3 4.2 4.4 7.4
Recycle and reuse 70.0 68.7 56.8 62.9 71.4
Construction sludge Final disposal % 6.6 1.7 2.5 1.4 2.0
Reduction 27.8 25.5 25.8 22.9 16.4
Recycle and reuse 65.6 72.8 71.7 75.7 81.6

General Waste Emissions

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Total amount of waste emissions kg/person 70 74 67 85 70
Recycling 56 55 50 59 59
Others 14 19 17 26 11
Recycling rate % 80.0 74.3 74.6 69.4 84.3

Emissions Reducing Management

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Zero emissions standards achievement(*7) rate of construction % 83.1 80.6 75.5 72.0 77.0
Civil engineering (*8) 87.3 84.4 69.9 75.9 88.2
Building construction (*8) 80.5 78.2 78.2 69.9 72.2
Electronic manifests sheets used thousands of sheets 346 346 318 308 302
Electronic manifests sheets usage rate % 92.9 94.6 94.1 96.4 97.2
  • *7 Final disposal rate of construction waste (excluding consruction sludge) is below 5%. That amount of new building construction is below 5kg/m²
  • *8 Construction waste emissions (excluding construction sludge) below 1,000t of renewal construction and waste emissions (excluding construction sludge) below 10t of civil engineering work is excluded

Chemical Substances Management

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Amount of Consumption of Substances Subject to the PRTR Law (*9) kg 973 1,361 1,596 1,302 1,219
Xylene 308 317 348 169 216
Toluene 121 253 381 346 332
Ethylbenzene 42 85 92 57 60
Trimethylbenzene 226 227 226 287 183
Others 276 479 549 443 427
Asbestos Processed t 2,249 3,628 1,141 1,617 1,652
CFC and Halon Gases Collected and Processed (*10) t 8.9 2.9 4.9 4.8 7.5
CFC gas 8.7 2.8 4.1 2.9 5.8
Halon gas 0.2 0.1 0.8 1.9 1.7
PCB waste materials (*11) removal (*12) units 140 0 0 0 0
Capacitors 140 0 0 0 0
Transformers 0 0 0 0 0
  • *9 A law to improve the monitoring and management of releases to the environmnet of designated chemical substances
  • *10 Amount of recycled CFC gas and Halon gas was 1.6t and the amount of disposed CFC gas and Halon gas was 5.9t in FY2021.3
  • *11 PCB waste materials must be transported to Japan Environmental Safety Corporation, the company designated by the government of Japan
  • *12 Methods for the storage and disposal are regulated by law because these materials contain polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), which is a toxic substance

Promoting Environmentally Friendly Businesses

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
KPI Ratio of design and built projects (of 2,000m² and up) with CASBEE ranking of A or higher % 66 71 67 75 64
KPI Ratio of sustainability - related capital expenditure to real estate leasing business capital expenditure % 95.0 98.0 91.0 92.7 93.6

Promoting Renewable Energy Businesses

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
KPI Electricity generated annually as a result of renewable energy businesses MWh 97,516 161,686 201,353 255,551 267,202
Capital expenditure of renewable energy business and others billions of yen 7.0 14.5 12.5 13.4 9.5

Environmental Accounting

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Cost of environmental protection (a~f) millions of yen 31,087 40,183 31,110 32,443 28,122
Cost within business area (a) 24,679 33,121 23,845 24,536 20,631
Preventing pollution 8,443 13,729 5,939 6,016 3,376
Protecting the global environment 466 629 453 468 354
Recycling resources 15,770 18,763 17,453 18,052 16,901
Upstream and downstream cost Environmental design elements 1,591 1,711 1,729 1,858 1,750
Cost of management activities 954 1,695 925 712 719
Operating EMS 135 131 152 122 113
Information disclosure / environmental advertisements 98 76 91 65 84
Supervision and measurements 253 680 258 102 159
Environmental education 10 7 10 10 8
Improving surrounding appearance of construction site 84 410 68 53 42
Departments associated with environmental activities 374 391 346 360 312
R&D costs (d) Environmental R&D activities 3,722 3,594 4,339 5,289 4,987
Social activities costs(e) Contributions and assistance for environmental organizations 5 7 6 5 5
Cost of correcting environmental damage (f) 136 55 266 43 31
Nature restoration activities 104 19 260 32 26
Allowances & insurance for damage to the environment 32 36 6 11 5

Environmental Performance Indicators

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
CO2 emissions (*13) millions of yen/t-CO2 6.46 5.95 7.18 6.96 7.25
Construction waste emissions (*14) millions of yen/t 6.89 6.90 7.60 5.61 7.86
  • *13 CO2 emissions calculation formula:Total sales from a project divided by CO2 emissions during construction
  • *14 Construction waste emissions:Total sales from a project divided by volume of construction waste emissions (excluding construction sludge) produced when constructing a new building

Environmental Compliance

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Violations of environmental laws (*15) cases 1 6 2 3 1
Fines 0 0 0 0 0
Total monetary value of fines yen 0 0 0 0 0
Others (compensation payment) cases 0 0 0 0 1

*15 Violations of environmental laws includes the following:
「When received an administrative guidance」「When a written apology must be submitted」「When a government agency has submitted a recommendation to take corrective actions」「When a small fine must be paid」「When there is a penalty involving more than a small fine」


Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Cost of biodiversity conservation project millions of yen - 47 67 43 38

Impact on Environmental Protection


Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Energy consumption TJ(*16) 3,176 3,508 3,192 3,311 2,935
Construction sites TJ 3,031 3,375 3,061 3,178 2,809
Offices, etc. 144 132 130 132 126
Water consumption 1,000m³ 1,284 1,327 1,231 1,505 1,146
Construction sites 1,225 1,267 1,171 1,444 1,105
Offices, etc. 59 60 60 61 41
Input amount of specified controlled substances t - 53,519 23,381 21,776 4,223


Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2+3) 1,000t-CO2 197.7 217.4 2,072.9 2,052.8 2,739.4
Scope1 135.6 151.3 127.6 134.1 113.8
Construction sites 134.9 150.8 127.3 133.7 113.5
Offices, etc. 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3
Scope2 62.1 66.1 64.5 61.2 56.6
Construction sites 55.3 59.8 58.6 54.3 50.4
Offices, etc. 6.8 6.3 5.9 6.9 6.2
Scope3 - - 1,880.8 1,857.5 2,569.0
SOX emissions t 174 193 170 179 153
Construction sites 169 189 166 175 149
Offices, etc. 5 4 4 4 4
NOX emissions t 993 1,110 948 1,013 840
Construction sites 981 1,099 937 1,002 830
Offices, etc. 12 11 11 11 10
Total amount of emissions 1,000t 2,554.4 2,357.4 2,046.4 1,864.5 1,930.1
Construction waste 1,000t 2,554 2,357 2,046 1,864 1,929.7
General waste (Office) 1,000t 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4
Construction waste final disposal (*17) 1,000t 116 75 72 68 61
Amount of specific chemical substance t - 1 2 1 1

Products and services

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
CO2 emission reduction due to use of environmental design (*18)(*19) 1,000t-CO2 957 586 355 1,063 1,169
  • *16 Unit for energy: 1 terajoule = 1 × 1,012 joules
  • *17 Including Construction slugde
  • *18 Comparison with CASBEE reference figures. Data cover all applications
  • *19 Figures assume a useful building life of 35 years

Economic Impact


Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Economic impact of emissions reduction and energy conservation on construction sites millions of yen -965 1,022 -986 409 -1,054
Electricity used (*20) 195 302 84 -57 -87
Diesel fuel used (*20) -1,200 731 -1,097 450 -1,070
Kerosene used (*20) 33 -11 27 -17 72
Material purchased (*21) 6.8 0.0 0.0 33.0 31.0


Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Benefits from sorting construction site waste millions of yen 177 447 500 494 432
Gain from sales of waste materials 177 447 500 494 432
  • *20 Conversions for reductions in volume used from the previous fiscal year are as follows:
    Electricity (27yen/kWh) (Source: Price Guidelines for New Electricity Rates by the Home Electric Appliances Fair Trade Conference)
    Diesel fuel (109,000yen/kl) , Kerosene (79,000yen/kl) (Source:2021.3 issue of Sekisan Shiryo magazine, published by the Economic Research Association)
  • *21 Waste materials reused at construction sites have been converted to construction material equivalents as follows:
    Construction sludge → Backfilling soil (4,025yen/m³)
    Concrete debris → Recycled crushed stone (1,125yen/m³) (Source: 2021.3 issue of Sekisan Shiryo magazine, published by the Economic Research Association)

Material Flow


Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Electric power MWh 130,191 133,113 131,143 127,347
Construction sites 117,519 120,622 118,521 115,310
Office,etc. 12,672 12,491 12,622 12,037
Diesel fuel 1,000kl 58 48 52 42
City gas 1,000m³ 77 76 78 87
Steal beam 1,000t 239 209 348 441
Rebar 247 207 233 175
Ready-mixed concrete 4,654 4,518 4,030 4,608
Wet+recycled aggregated concrete 18 1 2 1
Cement 130 76 62 236
Paper 0.259 0.251 0.281 0.176


Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2+3) 1,000t-CO2 197.7 217.4 2,072.9 2,052.8 2,739.4
Scope1 135.6 151.3 127.6 134.1 113.8
Construction sites 134.9 150.8 127.3 133.7 113.5
Office,etc. 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3
Scope2 62.1 66.1 64.5 61.2 56.6
Construction sites 55.3 59.8 58.6 54.3 50.4
Office,etc. 6.8 6.3 5.9 6.9 6.2
Scope1+2 197.7 217.4 192.1 195.3 170.5
Scope3 1,880.8 1,857.5 2,569.0
1 Purchased goods / services 1,214.8 1,321.4 1,940.7
2 Capital goods 65.5 7.0 3.9
3 Fuel and energy related activities 12.2 12.7 25.5
4 Transportation and delivery (Upstream) 8.7 9.4 11.0
5 Waste generated from business 116.0 98.6 109.5
6 Business trip 1.1 1.7 1.7
7 Employee commuting 61.9 19.6 17.8
8 Leased assets (upstream) 0.1 0.2 0.2
9 Transportation and delivery (downstream) 44.9 38.0 44.3
10 Processing of sold products 0.0 0.0 0.0
11 Use of sold products 319.0 314.5 371.8
12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 36.5 34.3 42.5
13 Leased assets (downstream) 0.1 0.1 0.1
14 Franchises 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 Investments 0.0 0.0 0.0
Construction waste (Excluding construction sludge) 1,000t 1,564.3 1,343.5 1,302.5 1,022.9 1,152.6
Construction sites 1,563.0 1,342.0 1,301.0 1,021.0 1,151.0
Reuse / reduction 1,520 1,296 1,255 980 1,120
Final disposal 43 46 46 41 31
Office,etc. 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.6
Reuse / reduction 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.2
Final disposal 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4
Construction sludge 961 999 735 822 751
Reuse / reduction 898 982 716 811 736
Final disposal 63 17 19 11 15
Surplus soil from construction 1,000m³ 733 296 793 352 435
Reuse / reduction 733 296 793 352 435
Final disposal 0 0 0 0 0

Applicable Group Companies(Exclude companies that their business run in Obayashi's office)

Construction Business Obayashi Road Corporation, Naigai Technos Corporation, Obayashi Facilities Corporation, Oak Setsubi Corporation, Tokken Corporation, Soma Environmental Service Corporation, ATELIER G&B Co., and Obayashi Design Partners
Real Estate Business Obayashi-Shinseiwa Real Estate Corporation
Other Businesses Information:Oak Information System Corporation
Golf course: Ibaraki Green Co., Ltd.
Restaurant:Le Pont de Ciel Co., Ltd.
Renewable energy generation:Obayashi Clean Energy Corporation

Environmental policy includes support for Group companies in order to lower the environmental impact of the entire Obayashi Group. In line with this policy, the Group Company Environmental Activity Liaison
Conference was formed to deal with issues for the entire Group. In addition, individual companies use their business activities for developing recyclable materials and increasing their use, combating the heat island effect, conserving energy for building operations, and other purposes.

Basic Unit for Calculating Environmental Protection Benefits (FY2021.3)

  • For the cost of pollution prevention and protecting the global environment, the portion of these costs accounted for by construction sites is estimated by using figures from sample sites, construction sales during the fiscal year and other data.
  • The portion of resource recycling costs accounted for by the processing and disposal of construction waste materials from construction sites is the actual amount according to the manifestmultiplied by an average processing unit price for each item at individual branches (cost includes construction sites of Obayashi alone and all costs at joint construction projects where Obayashiis the main contractor)
Electric power Diesel fuel Kerosene Gas
Primary energy (*22) 9.97MJ/kWh 37.7MJ/L 36.7MJ/L 44.9MJ/m³
CO2(*23) By electric utility company (*25) 2.58kg-CO2/L 2.49kg-CO2/L 2.23kg-CO2/Nm³
SOX(*24) 0.335 0.069 0.007 0
g-SOX/kWh g-SOX/MJ
NOX(*24) 0.778 0.463 0.069 0.058
g-NOX/kWh g-NOX/MJ
  • *22 Electricity: Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on the Rational Use of Energy. All others except electricity: Calculation Methods and Emission Coefficients for Calculation, Report and Announcement Systems(after 2014.3 revisions)
  • *23 Calculation Methods and Emission Coefficients for Calculation, Report and Announcement Systems (after 2014.3 revisions)
  • *24 Building Life Cycle Assessment Guidelines, Architectural Institute of Japan (after 2013.2 revisions)
  • *25 Emission coefficients for individual electric utilities
Power companies Effective emission factor The Chugoku Electric Power CO., Inc. Effective emission factor
(kg-CO2 /kWh) (kg-CO2 /kWh)
Hokkaido Electric Power CO., Inc. 0.593 The Chugoku Electric Power CO., Inc. 0.561
Tohoku Electric Power CO., Inc. 0.519 Shikoku Electric Power CO., Inc. 0.382
TEPCO Energy Partner, Inc. 0.457 Kyushu Electric Power CO., Inc. 0.344
Chubu Electric Power CO., Inc. 0.431 The Okinawa Electric Power CO., Inc. 0.810
Hokuriku Electric Power Company 0.510 Alternative 0.470
The Kansai Electric Power CO., Inc. 0.340

CO2 emission coefficients for individual electric utilities (Announced on 2021.01.07), Ministry of the Environments

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Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
KPI Customer satisfaction rate % - - - 85.4 96.8
KPI Construction business productivity increase rate (vs. FY2017.3) % - - - 2.0 4.4
KPI Ratio of workers with important construction management credentials(*26) % 82.5 82.7 82.0 81.6 80.5
Capital expenditure on R&D of construction technologies billion JPY 10.3 19.1 22.3 23.1 26.2
Capital expenditure on M&As and others billion JPY 0.5 25.6 0.9 1.3 4.4
  • *26 Professional engineer, registered first-class architect and registered first-class constrution management engineer (building construction, civil engineering, plumbing work, and electricity)

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Human Resources

Basic Information

(As of fiscal years ended March 31)

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Number of employees (Consolidated) person 14,094 14,359 14,739 14,993 15,267
Number of employees (Non-consolidated) person 8,524 8,609 8,753 8,829 8,918
male 7,213 7,285 7,375 7,425 7,484
female 1,311 1,324 1,378 1,404 1,434
Number of employees by age Under 30years old person 1,455 1,444 1,471 1,516 1,580
30-39years old 1,730 1,833 1,964 2,035 2,141
40-49years old 2,927 2,625 2,297 2,034 1,858
50-59years old 2,325 2,618 2,912 3,134 3,233
Over 60years old 87 89 109 110 106
Average age of employees age 42.3 42.4 42.5 42.6 42.6
male 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 42.5
female 42.8 43.0 43.1 43.1 43.0
Average years of employment year 17.1 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.1
male 16.8 16.9 17.0 17.0 16.9
female 18.5 18.6 18.3 18.1 17.9
Number of new employees (*27) person 294 279 280 275 302
male 247 234 231 226 244
female 47 45 49 49 58
Number of mid-career recruits person 27 37 43 48 57
male 27 37 38 45 50
female 0 0 5 3 7
Number of contract employees person 1,067 984 864 825 849
Average annual salary JPY 9,508,041 10,461,547 10,526,558 10,577,092 10,320,957
Number of turnover of regular recruits (*28) person 50 48 86 103 107
male 39 34 66 76 86
female 11 14 20 27 21
Turnover ratio of regular recruits (*29) % 4.0 2.2 1.4 3.2 4.3
  • *27 Figures under each year are the ratio of those among regular recruits who resigned within three years of hire
  • *28 Includes turnover due to other than personal reasons
  • *29 Figures are ratio of turnover of new employees of three years ago who quit the Company within three years

Equal Opportunity and Diversity

(As of fiscal years ended March 31)

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Number of managers (of which, number of senior managers) person 5,028
male 4,649
female 379(4) 408(4) 452(6) 462(8) 485(12)
Number of directors (of which, number of executives) person 66(50) 67(52) 65(50) 67(52) 71(54)
male 65(49) 66(51) 64(49) 67(52) 69(54)
female 0 0 0 0 2
KPI Ratio of female managers % 7.5 8.0 8.8 9.0 9.3
KPI Ratio of female engineers % 8.8 9.0 9.3 9.5 9.8
Number of foreign national employees Consolidated person 2,999 3,063 3,269 3,322 3,309
Obayashi (of which, number of Manager) 25(1) 22(3) 23(5) 24(7) 25(9)
Group Companies 2,974 3,041 3,246 3,298 3,284
Number of foreign national students 2 1 1 2 2
Number of people with disabilities person 207 200 213 217 238
KPI Ratio of people with disabilities % 2.15 2.07 2.20 2.23 2.35
Number of rehired employees person 789 705 673 669 670
Ratio of rehired employees (*30) % 88.3 88.5 92.3 93.5 91.3
  • *30 Applicant rehiring rate is 100%

Work-life Balance

(As of fiscal years ended March 31)

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Ratio of employees who took their annual paid vacation % 41.7 43.1 43.9 41.9 56.0
Yearly average day of yearly paid vacation days taken day 7.9 8.1 8.3 8.4 11.1
Ratio of employees who worked within the target of yearly maximum overtime hours (960 hours/year) % 90.0 91.1 94.4 94.1 94.5
Hours of total working hours per employee hours/year 2,242.2 2,246.7 2,235.6 2,195.0 2,218.1
KPI Ratio of practice of closing construction sites eight days out of every four-week period % - - - 23.4 28.5
Number of employees taking childcare leave person 34 40 37 49 56
male person 1 2 2 4 8
On leave (*31) % 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.1 2.4
Who returned to work (*32) 100 100 100 100 100
female person 33 38 35 45 48
On leave % 97.3 92.7 100 100 100
Who returned to work 94.7 100 100 97.1 100
KPI Ratio of eligible male employees taking childcare leave or other leave for the purpose of childcare % - - - 13.5 12.8
Number of employees taking short working hours for person 154 146 157 150 141
Number of employees taking nursing leave (*33) 47 56 62 57 27
Number of employees taking nursing-care leave (*33) 20 23 37 16 18
Number of employees taking leave for volunteer activities 3 3 5 2 2
Number of employees taking maternity leave 48 39 35 45 59
Spouse-giving-birth vacation (*34) 157 146 193 207 197
  • *31 Number of employees taking childcare leave / Number of babies born within the fiscal year
  • *32 Number of employees who actually returned to work
  • *33 Other than legal nursing leave days and nursing-care leave days, employees benefit from their accumulated vacation day carryovers
  • *34 Partners can take a leave when their spouse is giving a birth (Only accumulated vacation day carryovers were allowed before June 2015)

Note that we also have leave for public duty, marriage, death in the family, menstruation, paid vacation days for employees working at construction sites, vacations when transferring to other work sites, vacation days awarded to 12th, 22th, 32nd year continuous work employees, and special leaves.

Career Management

(As of fiscal years ended March 31)

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Hours of employee training per person hours/year - 24 24 24 11

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Health & Safety

Rigorously apply the Occupational Healthe and Safety Management System (OHSMS)

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
KPI Number of fatal accidents (include skilled workers on construction sites) cases 3 1 4 1 2
KPI Degree of achievement of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System evaluation items % - - - 83.3 85.3

Status of Occupational Accidents at Construction Sites

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Accident frequency rate (*35) 0.47 0.55 0.58 0.44 0.32
Severity rate (*36) 0.25 0.11 0.32 0.11 0.23
Number of accidents resulting in four ore more lost workdays cases 47 53 59 45 29
Ratio of employees completing stress assessment % 68.6 89.0 93.3 94.5 94.8
  • *35 Number of accidental labor deaths and injuries recorded for every 1 million labor hours
  • *36 Number of work days lost to workplace accidents recorded for every 1,000 labor hours

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Social Contribution

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Costs of social initiatives (Non-Consolidated) million JPY 973 1,080 805 827 722
Ratio of employee participated in matching gift % 14.0 12.5 12.1 11.6 11.5

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Human Rights

Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
Ratio of employees who participated human rights awareness training % 100 100 100 100 100

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Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
KPI Ratio of employees taking corporate ethics training % 100 100 100 100 100
Ratio of employees taking anti-bribery training % 100 100 100 100 100
Ratio of main affiliated companies taking corporate ethics training % 100 100 100 100 100
KPI Ratio of employees taking information security training % 97.9 92.0 92.0 99.3 100

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Unit FY2017.3 FY2018.3 FY2019.3 FY2020.3 FY2021.3
KPI CSR procurement guidelines comprehension questionnaire response rate % - - - 73.0 96.3
KPI Construction materials green procurement rate (*37) % 40.9 43.1 43.2 43.1 47.5
Green procurement amount millions of yen 54,848 63,563 56,361 53,411 51,343
Construction material 54,630 63,300 56,089 53,160 51,128
Recycled paper 47 47 42 38 26
Office supplies (*38) 38 43 39 26 22
Sitewear 133 173 191 187 167
KPI Total number of Certified Excellent Site Supervisors/Excellent Operators person 346 389 427 456 458
KPI Number of persons completing training at the Obayashi Rin-yu-kai Vocational Training School person 18 42 93 74 44
  • *37 Calculation formula: Green procurement = Green procurement cost / total cost of construction equipments
    Green procurement include: treated soil, construction waste soil, recycled concrete aggregate, recycled asphalt and concrete, blast furnace cement concrete, blast furnace raw concret,steel scrap, and polycarbonate (Precast concrete)
  • *38 Calculated using the Biznet procurement system for office supplies, etc.

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Materialites, Action Plans, Targets and Results for KPIs


Action plan KPI Results
for FY2020.3
for FY2021.3
for FY2022.3
Establish an Environmentaly Responsible Society
Promote environmentally friendly businesses Ratio of design and construction projects (of 2.000m² and up) with CASBEE ranking of A or higher 75% 64% At least 70%
Ratio of sustainability-related capital expenditure to real estate leasing business capital expenditure 92.7% 93.6% At least 90%
Promote renewable energy business Electricity generated annually as a result of renewable energy business 255,551MWh 267,202MWh At least 370,000MWh
Promote decarbonization Direct contribution of CO2 emissions reduction rate (vs FY2014.3) ▲58% ▲67% 85% reduction by FY2031.3
lndirect contribution of CO2 emissions reduction rate (vs FY2014.3) ▲21% ▲21% 25% reduction by FY2031.3
Contribute to realizing a recycling- oriented society Emissions of construction waste material per unit value of completed construction work 17.8t/billion yen 12.7t/billion yen 14.0t/billion yen


Action plan KPI Results
for FY2020.3
for FY2021.3
for FY2022.3
Enhance Quality Control and Technological Capabilities
Pursue reliable quality Customer satisfaction rate 85.4% 96.8% 100%
Use technological capabilities to further enhance productivity Construction business productivity increase rate (vs FY2017.3) 2.0% 4.4% At least 10%
Maintain good construction Ratio of workers with important construction management credentials: professional engineer, registered
first-class architect, and registered first-class construction management engineer (building construction, civil engineering, plumbing work, and electricity work)
80.2% 80.5% Maintain at least 80%
Ensure Occupational Health and Safety
Rigorously apply the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) Number of fatal accidents 1 cases 2 cases 0 cases
Degree of achievement of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System evaluation terms 83.3% 85.3% At least 90%
Develop and Retain Human Resources
Promote work style reform Ratio of practice of closing construction sites eight days out of every four-week period 23.4% 28.5% 100%
Ratio of eligible male employees taking childcare leave or other leave for the purpose of childcare 13.5% 12.8% 100% by FY2024
Promote diversity Ratio of employment of people with disabilities 2.2% 2.3% At least 2.4%
Ratio of female managers 9.0% 9.3% Around 12% by FY2024
Ratio of female engineers 9.5% 9.8% Around 12% by FY2024


Action plan KPI Results
for FY2020.3
for FY2021.3
for FY2022.3
Implement Rigorous Compliance
Promote the Corporate Ethics Program Ratio of employees taking corporate ethics training 100% 100% 100%
Practice rigorous information security management Ratio of employees taking information security training 99.3% 100% 100%
Conduct Responsible Supply Chain Management
Promote CSR procurement CSR procurement guidelines comprehension questionnaire response rate 73% 96.3% 100%
Construction materials green procurement rate 43.1% 47.5% 55% or higher
Train and support skilled workers Number of Certified Excellent Site Supervisors/ Excellent Operators 456 person 458 person More than previous fiscal year
Number of persons completing training at the Obayashi Rin-yu- kai Vocational Training School 74 person 44 person

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