
The Obayashi Group has established its Vision for the Future for its 150th anniversary year (2042), in which it looks to "realize a sustainable society" in line with its Corporate Principles. The Medium-Term Business Plan 2017 was drafted as a set of results to be achieved and policies to be implemented in the first five years of our roadmap for achieving this vision.

The Group will use all of its strength to maintain and increase its current performance of record-high earnings. At the same time, we will seize growth opportunities presented by changes in the business environment, and advance our business in accordance with the new Medium-Term Business Plan.

We will continue to improve the enterprise value contributing to the realization of a sustainable society, as well as live up to the trust of our shareholders and investors.

We look forward to your continued understanding and support for our endeavors.

Representative Director President Kenji Hasuwa

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