Overseas Construction Business

We are expanding our building construction and civil engineering businesses in Southeast Asia, North America, and Oceania with our Group companies that are rooted in the various countries and regions at the core, supporting the livelihoods of local citizens through construction of various buildings and social infrastructure.
Utilizing the business foundations built up in various countries for over more than half a century, the Obayashi Group companies, both in Japan and abroad, synergistically boost one another's strengths, such as technology and human resources in an organic and bidirectional manner to achieve innovations in the construction technologies and business in the global market in order to capture new revenue opportunities.

Net Sales
Operating Income

Net Sales Transition (FY ended March 31)

  • FY2022.3


  • FY2021.3


  • FY2020.3


(Figure are as of March 31,2022)


Overseas Construction


Business Strategy

Acquire further growth opportunities in the global market by leveraging a solid business foundation

  • Expand construction capacity through continuous growth of Group companies in North America and new M&As
  • Strengthen the local businesses foundation of Group companies in Asia and develop a cross-border collaboration system centered on Asia-Pacific Regional Headquarters
  • Initiatives for projects from upstream stages leveraging the Group network and broad use of resources
  • Implement a strategy to enter targeted region, including M&As in non-construction business
  • Initiatives for non-construction business (development/ green energy business) in North America and Thailand where strong management foundations have already been established

Business Environment

  • Accelerating global efforts for decarbonization, such as carbon neutrality and hydrogen, and well-being initiatives
  • Uncovered weakness in global supply chains as seen with the semiconductor shortage
  • Rising prices due to factors such as soaring oil prices
  • Impact on economic activities of countries and changes in the market due to COVID-19

Specific Initiatives

  • Strengthen response to transformation in the market caused by expansion of work portfolio and increase profitability
  • Continued fostering of global personnel
  • Swift handling of information gathering on global companies and receiving orders utilizing the Group network
  • Sharing Obayashi Group's technological capabilities to strengthen competitiveness

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