
We foster a sustainable society with a low carbon footprint, a commitment to recycling,
and a deep respect for the natural world.

Environmental Policy

In order to realize a sustainable society, we will work to create a low-carbon, recycling and nature-symbiotic society throughout the supply chain.

Obayashi Environmental Policy


As a good corporate citizen, Obayashi considers active efforts and continuous improvement of environmental issues to be integral components of business management. We envision our future society, seeking to contribute to a realization of sustainable society.


  • 1 We strive to protect the environment, acting in full compliance with all environmental statutes and ordinances, communicating with local communities.
  • 2 We gather our knowledge for realization of resilient society that integrates the elements of low-carbon, recycling-oriented and respecting the natural world.
  • 3 We use the expertise we have acquired through our environmental protection activities, developing even more effective technologies and implementing new businesses to realize sustainable society.

We sincerely focus on our business, with our affiliates, subcontractors and suppliers, holding targets and vision to realize a sustainable society.

Established March 1, 2018
President Kenji Hasuwa

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Environmental Management

Environment Management System (EMS)

We have developed and are operating a company-wide environmental management system (EMS). By 1999, we had obtained ISO 14001 certification for our EMS at all sites.

See the website of the Japan Accreditation Board (JAB) for the status of ISO 14001 certification.

Environmental Management Promotion Framework

Under the Business Plan Committee mandated by the President, we have established the Environmental Management Expert Committee chaired by the executive officer responsible for the environment. It develops strategies and policies on Obayashi's environmental management and strives for continual self-improvement by reviewing targets and initiatives based on the evaluation results of its environmental management system (EMS). The environmental departments in the Head Office, main offices, branches, and Group companies drive Obayashi's environmental efforts and take concrete actions based on the plans and targets set by the Environmental Management Expert Committee.

Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

A construction business must comply with numerous environmental laws and regulations. At Obayashi, environmental compliance is more than just following environmental laws and regulations. We set higher standards for ourselves and respond appropriately based on these. Environmental law and regulation supervisors are appointed at branches throughout Japan to respond to inquiries from construction works offices and the like. We also give online courses and group trainings to raise knowledge and awareness of environmental laws and regulations.


Environmental Education and Awards

We designate June 1 to June 7 every year as Environment Week. The purpose of this is to raise awareness of the environment among all officers and employees across our group and to further promote environmental conservation activities. We undertake various initiatives during this week. These include providing online courses, holding seminars with industrial waste intermediate treatment companies and running environmental patrols.

Supply Chain Initiatives

It is essential to grasp and assess risks for environmental issues and to then undertake initiatives in our supply chain to promote environmentally-friendly business activities. In March 2020, we revised the CSR Procurement Guidelines we enacted in June 2011 as the Obayashi Group CSR Procurement Policy. Under this policy, we are steadily promoting initiatives in our supply chain. In particular, we monitor construction sites for items with a large impact on our environmental burden (e.g., CO2 emissions, water usage and resource recycling). We are striving to reduce that impact together with our supply chain.


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Climate-Related Information Disclosure (Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations)

Obayashi declared our support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Since then, we have conducted scenario analysis in order to identify and assess climate-related risks and opportunities and understand the medium- to long-term impacts climate problems may have on our business.

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We implement comments and requests from stakeholders into our business activities in order to respond to expectation from the society.

Main Environmental Organizations in which we Participate (As of FY2018.3)

  • Sustainability Science Consortium (SSC)
  • Japan Climate Leaders' Partnership (JCLP)
  • Green Energy Partnership
  • Network for Sustainability Communication (NSC)
  • Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation
  • Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
  • Japan Smart Community Alliance (JSCA)
  • Minato eco-conscious consortium (mecc)
  • Platinum Society study Group
  • Green Building Japan (GBJ)
  • Promotion Association for Smart Society Technology
  • TCFD Consortium
  • Japan Climate Initiative
  • 30by30 alliance(*2)
  • GX League(*2)

  • *2 Available only in Japanese

Other Initiatives

  • Applied and joined in Science Based Targets (SBT) and supply chain emissions calculation for the "Carbon Pricing Study Group" sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment.
  • Promote projects aimed at building a recycling-oriented society in accordance with the "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Promotion Council"

Global Warming Report

It is an obligation in Tokyo to submit a report including status of energy saving initiatives of each office, when energy emission, such as electricity, gas, fuel, of total offices in Tokyo exceeds 3,000kl per year converted to crude oil. We submit our report to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Environment due to this system, and it can be found on their website.

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Environmental Data

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