Environmental Initiatives

Creating a Low-carbon Society

The Obayashi Group formulated our long-term vision called "Obayashi Sustainability Vision 2050" (OSV2050) in 2019. We set decarbonization as one of our targets for 2040 to 2050 in that vision. We have incorporated carbon neutrality into our business plan as a key theme of our management and are promoting concrete initiatives to realize this vision.

New Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets

The Obayashi Group has set new greenhouse gas emission reduction targets (targets for FY2031.3) as follows. We have committed to the Science Based Targets (SBT)(*1) with these reduction targets. The SBT are greenhouse gas emission reduction targets consistent with the Paris Agreement. We are now applying for recognition of our reduction targets as SBT.

  • *1 Science Based Targets (SBT): These are greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by companies for 5 to 15 years in the future that are consistent with the level sought by the Paris Agreement (aiming to keep the global rise in temperature to well below 2℃ compared to before the Industrial Revolution, with aims to further constrain this warming to 1.5℃).
  • *2 Scope 1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions by the business operator itself
     Scope 2: Indirect greenhouse gas emissions accompanying the use of electricity, heat and steam supplied by other companies
     Scope 3: Indirect greenhouse gas emissions other than Scope 1 and 2 (emissions by other companies related to the activities of the business operator)
  • *3 The applicable range covers the entire Obayashi Group. Therefore, the figures for emissions in FY2020.3 differ to those stated in the ESG DATA BOOK.

Decarbonization Initiatives

Most of the greenhouse gases emitted in our business activities are carbon dioxide (CO2). We will reduce CO2 emissions through the following initiatives. This will allow us to achieve our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets with the aim of decarbonization that we have stated as our target in Obayashi Sustainability Vision 2050.

Thoroughly Promote Energy Saving (Scope1,2)

We are promoting energy saving activities at construction sites. These include initiatives for fuel consumption saving driving and turning off vehicle engines when stopped in addition to converting to LED lighting and proactive adoption of energy-saving construction methods. We will accelerate the pace of these initiatives in the future. Together with this, we will develop and practically use new energy-saving construction methods and construction machinery with excellent fuel efficiency.

Introduce Diesel Oil Alternative Fuels (Scope1)

Most of the CO2 emitted through our business activities is generated from the combustion of the diesel oil we use in construction machinery at construction sites. We will aim to reduce our CO2 emissions by utilizing diesel oil alternative fuels derived from natural gas and biodiesel fuel that can reduce our CO2 emissions. We will also continue to work with a view to utilizing 100% biodiesel fuel and hydrogen fuel in the future.

Introduce ICT Labor-saving Construction and Hybrid and Electric Construction Machinery (Scope1)

We will reduce the amount of fuel we use by expanding labor-saving construction utilizing ICT and by promoting the introduction of hybrid and electric construction machinery.

Labor-saving Construction of an Embankment by Utilizing ICT

Convert to Renewable Energy (Scope2)

We will gradually switch the power we use in construction sites and offices to renewable energy.

Targets for renewable energy electricity usage ratio

FY2027.3 FY2031.3
Construction sites 50% 100%
Development real estate Office building for lease 100% All leasing properties 100%
Offices, dormitories, company housing and recreation facilities 100%
Solar Power Generation Facilities Installed in an Employee Dormitory

Promote and Expand ZEB (Scope3)

We are also working to reduce the CO2 emitted during the operation of the buildings we deliver to our customers in addition to reducing the CO2 emitted from our business activities. We propose the optimal ZEB to our customers with the latest energy-saving technologies and expertise according to the purposes and characteristics of the building.

Energy-saving Technologies That Utilize Natural Energy

Utilize Low-carbon Materials (Promote wooden structures and interiors and Other Initiatives) (Scope3)

We are developing and practically using low-carbon materials in collaboration with our supply chains. We have developed Clean-Crete®. This is a low-carbon concrete that reduces CO2 emissions by up to 80%. We will now expand its application at construction sites. In addition, we will reduce CO2 emissions associated with building materials and construction by promoting the wooden structures and interiors for large buildings.

CO2 Emissions of Clean-Crete® Compared to Regular Concrete
Pouring in Clean-Crete® at a Construction Site
Japan's First All-timber High-rise Fire-Resistant Building "OY Project"

Promote Technological Development That Contributes to Decarbonization (Scope1,2,3)

We will collaborate with those in other industries to promote technological development that contributes to carbon neutrality including the use of hydrogen in addition to the development of new energy-saving construction methods and low-fuel consumption and electric construction machinery technology.

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Creating a Recycling-Oriented Society

To create a recycling-oriented society that minimizes further extraction of natural resources and create superior recycling systems, we are reducing and recycling construction waste through our net zero emission construction site initiative. We are also developing technologies for reducing resource use, such as reusing piles and underground frame work as well as extending the service life of infrastructure.

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Creating a Society that Respects the Natural World

We aim to create a society that respects the natural world and conserves biodiversity to preserve the gifts of nature for the future. We consider ways to preserve nature at every stage, including planning, design, and construction. We are also working on regenerating ecosystems and ecosystem-friendly urban development.

Approach to Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the foundation for the sustainability of various living creatures, including humans, animals and plants, and it should be passed on to future generations. Biodiversity has benefited human social activities and has supported the unique rich culture and safe living. Based on the Obayashi Environmental Policy, we will recognize the impact of our business activities on biodiversity and work to reduce the burden and preserve biodiversity.

Biodiversity Policy

  • Contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the sustainable usage of biological resources through business activities.
  • Actively propose to society the technologies that contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and develop effective technologies that harness and coexist with nature.
  • Promote the creation of a sustainable society through energy and resource conservation, 3Rs, green procurement, measures against harmful chemical substances, etc., and strive to reduce the environmental burden on biodiversity.
  • Strive to conserve biodiversity at our facilities.
  • Strive to communicate with society to improve the effectiveness of biodiversity initiatives.
  • Work to raise awareness of nurturing biodiversity through environmental education and public relations activities.

Established May 19, 2009

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