
We are committed to addressing social challenges
with an eye toward realizing a sustainable society and enhancing corporate value.

Basic Policy

The Obayashi Basic Principles, consisting of the Obayashi Philosophy, Obayashi Code of Conduct, and Obayashi Three Pledges, apply to all officers and employees. We believe that our business activities themselves are the very practice of the Obayashi Basic Principles. We clearly define the Group's social responsibilities, taking account of the needs of our stakeholders and society. Then we work to solve social challenges. In June 2019, we established Obayashi Sustainability Vision 2050 (OSV2050). The Obayashi Group will work to achieve our vision for 2050, realizing the sustainability of the planet, society, and people.

Sustainability Promotion Framework

Management policies, including the policy on Sustainability initiatives, is determined by the Board of Directors, and based on these policies, the Business Plan Committee and expert committees in various sustainability areas established under the Business Plan Committee develop, promote, and monitor the implementation of measures in accordance with the management policies determined by the Board of Directors.
Below are major committees and their promotion framework.

Major Committees

Sustainability Committee Identifies sustainability challenges, discusses and recommends to the Board of Directors the responses of Obayashi to the identified sustainability challenges, and confirms their implementation status by the execution side.

Head of the Committee: President
Committees Convened: Twice per year or more
Management Meeting Reports, deliberates, gives instructions on and resolves important management matters including sustainability challenges.

Chaired by: President
Meetings Convened: About 30 times per year
Business Plan Committee Develops execution policies on sustainability challenges and manages and reviews their progress.

Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for business plan
Committees Convened: About 12 times per year   
Human Rights Expert Committee Resolves human rights issues and promotes human rights awareness based on the Obayashi Group Human Rights Policy.  

Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for the Human Resources Department  
Committees Convened: Annual regular meeting plus more as needed
Human Resources Management Expert Committee Examines the human resources system and its operation in line with Obayashi's management strategy and human resources management policy.

Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for the Human Resources Department
Committees Convened: As needed
Public Relations Strategy Expert Committee Develops strategies and policies on internal and external corporate communication.

Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for the Corporate Communications Department
Committees Convened: As needed
Environmental Management Expert Committee Develops strategies and policies on Obayashi's environmental management, comprehends and evaluates activities based on its environmental management system (EMS), sets goals and reviews activities for the next and subsequent years.

Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for the Environmental Management Division
Committees Convened: Twice per year or more
Supply Chain Management Expert Committee Develops strategies and policies on domestic and international supply chain management including cooperating companies based on the Obayashi Group CSR Procurement Policy.

Head of the Committee: Head of Building Construction Division
Committees Convened: Once per year or more
Technology Strategy Expert Committee Discusses and develops strategies and policies on the acquisition of intellectual property rights based on forecasted future business in construction and new business areas and on the proactive use of intellectual property rights the Group already owns.

Head of the Committee: Head of Technology Division
Committees Convened: Three times per year or more
Business Innovation Expert Committee Plans and promotes strategies on new business and business innovations that lead to the resolution of social problems and examines and screens investments.

Head of the Committee: Executive Officer responsible for the Business Innovation Division
Committees Convened: As needed
Corporate Ethics Committee Formulates measures to promote awareness of corporate ethics and compliance with corporate ethics, conducts investigations to uncover the facts concerning incidents that violate corporate ethics, and formulates measures to prevent recurrence.

Head of the Committee: President
Times Committees Held: Once a year   
*Corporate Ethics Promotion Committee (chair: officer in charge of compliance) meets three times a year
Investment Committee Develops investment policy on overall investment activities, discusses investment plans, and monitors investments after a decision was made for commercialization.

Head of the Committee: Executive officer responsible for the Finance Department
Committees Convened: As needed
Raises awareness of crisis management and takes other steps to prevent circumstances that would inflict serious damage on corporate management and corporate business activities or adversely impact society, and takes action to mitigate the damage, should an incident occur.    

Head of the Committee: President  
Times Committees Held: As needed
Central Health and Safety Committee Promotes initiatives that contribute to prevention of accidents in the work place and to improvement in health and safety.

Head of the Committee: President
Times Committees Held: As needed
Technology-related Risk Assessment Meeting Comprehends and analyzes risks related to the required performance when applying construction technology and so on proposed by Obayashi and assesses measures for risk avoidance, mitigation, transfer, acceptance, and so forth.

Chaired by: Head of Technology Division
Meetings Convened: As needed

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Initiatives for Sustainability

ESG Initiatives

From the view point of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance),
we are clarifying and promoting initiatives to solve social challenges and realize a sustainable society.
We have issued corporate bonds (ESG bonds) limited in funds to solve social issues such as environmental problems.

In August 2013, Obayashi Group joined the UN Global Compact. We support the ten principles relating to areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. We will promote our business activities with a high sense of responsibility and global perspective in order to promote responsible business to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

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Initiatives to Contribute to Achieving SDGs

Obayashi Group aims to realize sustainability of "the Planet, Society, and People," and will steadily contribute to achieving SDGs by promoting ESG management.

* Please click icons below, to view examples of our initiatives.

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Stakeholder Engagement

We conduct its business activities within the framework of various relationships with stakeholders. To continue being an enterprise trusted by its stakeholders, we will put their opinions and requests to work in our corporate management to ensure we are responding to the expectations and demands of society.

Our Specific Communication Tools

For Stakeholders Main Communication Tools & Details


  • Consistent quality control based on a quality management system provides high-quality buildings, infrastructure, and services that satisfy customers.
  • We provide solutions by developing advanced technology that addresses customers' diverse needs.
  • Our support ranges from formulation of disaster time Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to restoration projects.

Shareholders & Investors

  • By building an effective corporate governance framework, we aim for sustained growth to increase the transparency and soundness of management, as well as for enhanced corporate value over the medium- to long-term.
  • First, we try to sustain stable dividend payouts over the long term. We endeavor to provide shareholders with returns commensurate with the Groupʼs performance, while considering the need to enhance internal reserves so we can further improve our financial base and prepare for the future.
  • In our efforts to maintain close communication, we broadly and equitably disclose timely and important information on our business, while striving to sufficiently disclose information through constructive dialogue.


  • We respect human rights and diversity, and we encourage the creation of a work environment and systems where each employee can exercise their unique character and talents.
  • We believe that a company's growth is supported by each and every employee. We support skill development through means such as our many training programs.
  • To keep employees safe and healthy, we create a comfortable workplace environment while building a support system for mental and physical health.


  • As partners who can grow with us, we conduct fair transactions with suppliers and build stronger mutual trust with them.
  • We respect the human rights of all employees and workers and seek to create a pleasant work environment that promotes their health and safety.

Local communities

  • As a good corporate citizen, we seek to realize a sustainable society and implement proactive initiatives for CSR.
  • While each employee acts sensibly, based on a sophisticated understanding of ethics, they volunteer to participate in CSR activities that contribute to the sustained development of local communities.

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Sustainability Related Data

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Referenced Guidelines

  • United Nations Global Compact (joined in from August 2013)
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
  • United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)
  • Keidanren (Japanese Business Federation) Charter of Corporate Behavior
  • ISO26000
  • GRI Standards
  • International Integrated Reporting Framework

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